Our conferences, classes and workshops are designed to provide training that results in improved patient care and outcomes. We offer continuing education for the following clinical professions:
- Nurses
- Physicians
- Pharmacists
- Radiological Technologists
- Nurse Practitioners
- Respiratory Therapists
- Social Workers

View our Education class schedule.
Details regarding our Accreditation:
- Huntsville Hospital is approved to provide continuing nursing education in Alabama by the Alabama Board of Nursing. This approval status is valid through Nov. 09, 2021. This Alabama Board of Nursing Provider Number is nontransferable and utilized exclusively by Huntsville Hospital. Provider number: ABNP0278.
- Huntsville Hospital is an approved provider by the Alabama State Nurses Association through August 8, 2019. Provider number: 5-119.
- Huntsville Hospital is an approved provider of continuing education for Social Workers by the Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners. Provider number: 0101.
- Huntsville Hospital is an approved provider for Huntsville Hospital employees by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Provider Number: ALP003.